Aspire to Fundraise

COURSE 1 | Oct. 7, 2024 at 7 pm ET (4 pm PT)

Fundraising for Fiduciaries: Enhancing Advocacy and Responsibility in the Fundraising Cycle

Join this virtual session for a comprehensive 90-minute course that delves into the realm of fundraising for fiduciaries. Designed to empower board members with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively navigate the fundraising landscape, this session will explore the essential components of the fundraising cycle, the critical roles of fiduciaries as advocates and fundraisers and the methods to measure and implement acquired insights.

Course Highlights:

Board Responsibilities and Advocacy: Learn about the fiduciary duties and ethical considerations that underlie fundraising efforts. Explore the roles of board members as advocates and their pivotal responsibility in fostering a culture of philanthropy within the organization as part of institutional stewardship. 

Understanding the Fundraising Cycle: Gain a deep understanding of the key stages of the fundraising cycle, from prospecting and cultivation to solicitation and stewardship. Explore the nuances of each phase and how fiduciaries can play an active role in driving successful fundraising initiatives.

Empowering Fiduciaries as Fundraisers: Discover strategies to overcome common challenges in engaging fiduciaries in fundraising activities. Develop techniques to effectively communicate the organization’s mission, connect with potential donors, and secure contributions that align with the organization’s goals.

Creating Personal Implementation Strategies: Learn how to translate theoretical knowledge into practical action. Through interactive exercises and discussions, craft personalized implementation strategies that suit your unique organizational context and role as an honest broker.

Who Should Attend

This course is tailored for board members/ trustees/ fiduciaries of fraternal foundations who are eager to amplify their impact on fundraising efforts. Whether you’re new to fundraising or seeking to enhance your existing skills, this session offers valuable insights to drive successful philanthropic endeavors.

Don’t miss this opportunity to equip yourself with the knowledge, strategies, and confidence needed to excel as a fiduciary advocate and fundraiser. Join us for an empowering virtual session to unlock the potential of fundraising and drive positive change within your organization.

COURSE 2 | Oct. 21, 2024 at 7 pm ET (4 pm PT)

Case Making: Harnessing the Power of Persuasion for Effective Advocacy

Unlock the art of persuasion and advocacy in our engaging virtual session. In just 90 minutes, join us to embark on a transformative journey of crafting compelling cases for support that resonate with a multitude of audiences. Facilitated virtually, this course is designed to equip board members with invaluable skills in case-making, while drawing inspiration from legal writing strategies. Elevate your ability to drive meaningful action and engagement by mastering the art of making a compelling case.

Course Highlights:

Strategic Vision: Explore the strategic underpinnings of effective case-making. Learn how to align your narrative with organizational goals, presenting a coherent and visionary case that captivates and mobilizes diverse stakeholders.

IRAC is Evergreen: Unveil the power of IRAC (Issue, Rule, Application, Conclusion), a cornerstone of legal writing, and discover how its principles can be applied to crafting persuasive cases for support. Break down complex issues, identify relevant rules and seamlessly apply them to your narratives.

Identifying the Issue / Conclusion: Delve into the heart of compelling cases by mastering the skill of pinpointing the key issues and formulating strong conclusions. Learn how to identify the crux of the matter, and conclude your narrative with impact.

Research-Informed Narrative: Understand the significance of incorporating research-backed insights into your case-making. Explore the art of translating research findings into relatable narratives, making your case resonate with authenticity and credibility.

Confident ‘Asking’: Discover the art of confidently making your ask. Gain techniques to communicate your organization’s needs and aspirations with conviction, inspiring potential supporters to take meaningful action.

Personal Portfolio and Plan: Develop a personalized portfolio of prospects for application of your case-making strategies. Craft a concrete action plan to apply newfound skills effectively to drive fundraising success for your organization. 

Who Should Attend

This course is tailor-made for board members who want to be part of the fundraising success of their fraternal foundation. Whether you’re new to case-making or looking to refine your storytelling skills, this session offers invaluable insights to inspire action and foster engagement.


Fundraising For Your Fraternal Foundation: A Comprehensive Guide for Volunteers

Reinforce fundraising success for fraternal foundations with our informative guide, available in December 2023. Whether you’re using this guide as an individual advocate or part of a group effort, this guide offers invaluable insights into advocating and fundraising effectively. Discover a wealth of strategies and tools designed to amplify your fundraising impact via volunteer board members.

Workbook Content

  • Understand your personal commitment to fundraising for your foundation
  • Place fundraising within fiduciary duties and responsibilities of the board
  • Explain the fundraising cycle and your role in the process
  • Overcome common challenges to raising money
  • Build confidence and inspiration to make the case and tell your story
  • Access sources and resources to support your process


Designed to cater to both individuals and groups, this guide serves as a versatile resource. Whether you’re a lone advocate looking to enhance your fundraising skills or a team seeking a comprehensive framework, this guide equips you with the tools to achieve success.

Empower your fraternal foundation’s fundraising journey with our comprehensive guide. This resource promises to elevate your advocacy, strengthen donor relationships and drive meaningful impact.