COVID-19 Resources
The following is a collection of fraternal foundation industry specific information on managing situations and responding to COVID-19 concerns
with timely, practical and fraternal foundation-specific tools and tips.
FFE is collecting the statements, guidance or messages our foundations have shared with members with the intent of helping each other learn and grow in how we respond during this unprecedented time.
If you wish to have discussion FFE members, we encourage you to utilize the closed Facebook group. We also offer a casual peer group Coffee Chat series on Fridays for our organization members.
To assist in the dissemination of information, the Foundation for Fraternal Excellence has reached out to our Alliance Partners for their guidance.
The NPC and NIC are closely monitoring Congress' actions on COVID-19 stimulus packages.
Coronavirus/COVID-19 Resource Guide
Association of Fundraising Professionals
Planned Giving Pulse Survey
The Stelter Company
Nonprofit Fundraising Data to Help You Respond During the COVID-19 Crisis
Next After
What Over 600 Fundraisers Told Us About Donor Engagement During COVID-19
Ruffalo Noel Levitz
Coronavirus Resources & Information
Blue & Co.