Key Stats
In 2024, ThetaConnect saw:
- 2,800+ new users,
- 3,700+ likes and comments on posts in the Feed,
- 1,600+ jobs posted on the Job Board,
- 2,900+ private messages sent between users,
- 104 groups added to the Groups area, and
- 200+ events posted to the Event Board.
About Kappa Alpha Theta
Kappa Alpha Theta, the first Greek-letter fraternity for women, is dedicated to fostering a network of ambitious, supportive, and engaged members. Through initiatives like ThetaConnect, the organization bridges the gap between college and alumnae members, empowering lifelong learning, career growth, and meaningful connections.
The Challenge
ThetaConnect, Kappa Alpha Theta’s members-only networking platform, faced challenges with low user adoption and mentoring connections. The organization determined the need to relaunch the platform to better serve its members and drive renewed engagement.
Key goals for the relaunch included increasing platform usage and fostering meaningful connections through mentoring programs, such as Thetas in Higher Education. Achieving this required updated alumnae data, a daunting but critical task to ensure the platform’s success. Additionally, Theta sought innovative ways to engage members in a meaningful and scalable way.
The Solution

To address these challenges, Theta turned to Gravyty’s suite of alumni/alumnae engagement tools: Gratavid and Graduway. Gratavid enabled the Theta team to craft personalized video outreach campaigns that drove meaningful interaction.
By using Gratavid’s robust reporting tools, Theta was also able to request updated alumnae contact information directly from members, streamlining a traditionally cumbersome process. Theta headquarters staff utilized personalized videos to celebrate milestones like membership anniversaries and career accomplishments, and these outreaches created a sense of community while directing members to explore the revamped ThetaConnect platform.
A major highlight of the Graduway platform relaunch was the promotion of the Thetas in Higher Education mentoring program. Theta’s platform, ThetaConnect, not only relaunched a comprehensive marketing program, but also equipped the Theta team with the tools and guidance needed for success.
“Graduway from Gravyty has provided outstanding resources to help prepare me in being the mentoring program administrator. I feel very prepared and supported launching my program thanks to their guidance!”
-Madi Massey, digital marketing coordinator for Kappa Alpha Theta
The Outcome
By the end of 2024, ThetaConnect surpassed more than 13,000 active alumnae users, nearly a 30% increase. In addition to this growth, engagement on the platform reached new heights:
- 2,800+ new users joined in 2024
- 3,700+ likes and comments made on posts in the Feed
- 1,600+ jobs shared on the Job Board
- 2,900+ private messages exchanged between members
- 104 groups created to foster smaller communities
- 200+ events posted on the Event Board
Mentee Gracie Gurr, Beta Mu/Nevada, was asked to share about her experience during the Thetas in Higher Education Mentoring Program.
- What was one key piece of information or advice that you took away from this mentoring program? I learned a lot more about interviewing and résumé-building skills, as I had never had any prior training. My mentor provided me with a ton of helpful resources and encouragement.
- What advice would you give to someone wanting to join a mentoring program on ThetaConnect? My advice is to just apply for it. I was so nervous about applying because I felt like I hadn’t been in Theta long enough to connect to anyone. However, by taking that leap, I feel so much more confident about reaching out to other alumnae. TLAM!
Furthermore, video outreach campaigns laid the groundwork for increased engagement ahead of National Mentoring Month in January 2025. The Gratavid to Mentors and Mentees produced these results:
- 37.50% click-through rate
- 152.50% open rate (including rewatches/multiple opens)
- 60% watch rate
Solution spotlight
Gravyty’s alumni/alumnae and community engagement platform enables higher education institutions and organizations to create a thriving community of members with a tailored network platform, mentoring tools, exclusive groups, job and internship boards, and personalized multi-channel messaging at scale. Automated mentor matching, job and internship boards, milestones and badges, video messaging, and custom survey tools help users build lasting connections and find career success.