How will my fraternity or sorority benefit from participating?

We expect that this project will significantly raise our understanding about the motivations, perceptions and intentions of alumni towards their Greek Associations. Collectively, it will help us craft better fundraising appeals, design more effective strategies for alumni/ae engagement, and identify where investment is best placed to increase philanthropic support.

Every fraternity and sorority in the project will receive a series of confidential reports containing the results and findings for their own organization. This includes:

  1. Aggregate data from every survey question asked of their members and, subdivided by meaningful demographic categories
    (e.g. age, giving history, etc.), as well as comparisons to national figures and a “peer group” of fraternities or sororities.
  2. An Observation and Recommendation Report highlighting key findings from their members and accompanied with
    conclusions and strategic guidance from the research.
  3. A Performance Benchmark Report revealing fundraising statistics about their own members’ participation in philanthropy,
    as well as a confidential performance comparison to national figures and their “peer group” of fraternities or sororities.

Participating organizations will also receive invitations to attend future industry events and webinars on implementing the findings from the research.