Research Track

Understanding the Student Experience: Findings from Three Studies from the Postsecondary Education Research Center

Patrick Biddix, Amanda Assalone, (UT-PERC) and Meghan Grace (Plaid and UT-PERC)

Understanding research-based member engagement, experiences, and health and wellness concerns is critical for fraternal organizations and their leaders building effective programming and advocacy. The latest research from the Postsecondary Education Research Center (PERC) the University of Tennessee (UTK) is highlighted in this session. This includes a mental health study completed in January 2021, a two-year single sex study completed in June 2021, and COVID-19 wellness study completed in June 2021.


Revisiting Your Cygnus Data

FFE-Cygnus Working Group Members: Sally Kimball, Chi Omega Foundation and Meghan Paden, Tri Sigma Foundation

FFE volunteers have spent the last six months digging into the Cygnus data. Sally Kimball and Meghan Paden led this conversation on best practices and to learn how others are using the data.


Additional resources: Seminar 2020 Cygnus Presentation