Three Essentials for Leading Through Change in a Pandemic
At this moment in time it seems that change is a constant part of our daily lives. It’s time to consider how we are leading through these changes, and how we can move forward in a more thoughtful way. This session will provide three essential components to building your personal framework for leading change in any area of your life.
Handout: AKDAR Change Model
Speaker: Jenny Banner, Leadership Consultant & Coach, SmallBox
Reimagining Mission Delivery: Future Planning through Disruption
2020 has brought rapid, tumultuous change to almost every aspect of our lives. For many organizations, navigating the complexity has become a moment-to-moment process. As uncertainty overburdens tactical operations and clouds long-term vision, how do you and your team look farther into the future, become more flexible, generate capacity, and create multiple strategic pathways to sustainability and success? How does your organization use this moment of extreme disruption to reimagine yourself? From mission to programming to income sources, now is the time to examine opportunities for innovative change and bold transformations.
Leaders will learn how to facilitate critical collaboration for future planning during disruption. Through a templated process that can be customized for your organization’s needs, you will learn to uncover insights and generate actionable plans. After this webinar, leaders will have the tools and knowledge to lead teams as they imagine multiple futures, and understand the actions, resources, and processes necessary to sustain and succeed in each.
Handout: Mission Delivery
Speaker: Meg Liffick, CEO, SmallBox