Program Profile: Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation Delivers Immediate Help to Sisters...
In summer 2017, a string of natural disasters hit the US in rapid succession — Hurricanes Harvey and Irma caused major damage and disruption...
Program Profile: Alpha Chi Omega Foundation’s Leadership Circle Provides Insider Access...
To develop informed, connected and engaged member donors, in 2015, Alpha Chi Omega launched Leadership Circle to recognize those who give $1,000 or more in...
Program Profile: FarmHouse Foundation Says ‘Thank You’ in 7 Ways
The FarmHouse Leadership Institute (FLI) is the Fraternity’s premier officer training program. It is fully-funded by FarmHouse alumni and friends each year through the...
Program Profile: Delta Gamma’s Chapter Giving Connects With Local “Service For...
Delta Gamma’s collegiate chapters continue to be the Foundation’s largest fundraisers collectively raising $2.38 million last year. Yet, chapters were seeking a way to...
Campaign Profile: Alpha Delta Pi’s “We Believe. We Give.” Day Of...
In 2015, Alpha Delta Pi (ADPi) Foundation launched the comprehensive campaign We Believe with a $10M goal. The campaign spoke to reasons members should...
Profile: Annual Reporting And The Sigma Phi Epsilon Foundation 2016 Annual...
Annual reporting can be daunting.
It’s not easy to think of new ways to frame, design and present what is often repeated messaging and content...
Program Profile: The Foundation Chapter of Theta Chi’s Chapter Challenge
The Foundation Chapter of Theta Chi’s “Chapter Challenge” began when staff identified a need to make giving more interactive and for alumni to have...
Program Profile: Beta Theta Pi Foundation’s Auto-Kai Club
Recurring gift programs are a hot topic because of their potential to increase donor engagement and retention. At the end of FY14, Beta Theta...
Campaign Profile: Alpha Gamma Delta “Fighting Hunger – Full Plates. Hearts....
“If you have food, you have a million problems. If you don’t have food, you only have one problem.” – Alpha Gamma Delta Member
Campaign Profile: Pi Beta Phi Foundation “SHINE THROUGH”
From conceptualization to launch
Pi Beta Phi Foundation recently launched its "SHINE THROUGH" campaign in conjunction with the energy and excitement of the Fraternity’s 150th...